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Saturday, 28 May 2016



                                       BREAD PUTTU

Puttu is a  south Indian dish.It is a traditional kerala break fast item.
It is a steamed food.we  make different types of puttu like rice puttu,wheat puttu,corn puttu,ragi puttu,semolina puttu etc.
Here I am introducing a new puttu which is made up of bread crumbs.My bread puttu is a wonderful combination of bread crumbs and coconut scrapes.It is very easy to prepare,very healthy and tasy too.All you need is a packet of bread,coconut scrapes and a puttu mould. If you don't have a mould you can use a coconut shell as well.For a change, I have also prepared chinese brad puttu also.That is bread puttu in chinese flavour.
please try this recipe and send me your precious feed back.

Bread Puttu(Traditional Style)
Bread slices-10(salted bread)
coconut scrapes-1/4 cup
method of cooking
Remove the edges of the bread.Crumble the bread in a mixer to fine particles.Then add 3 teaspoon coconut scrapes.mix again.Add one or two teaspoon of water if needed while mixing.Then fill the put mix in desired moulds and steam it for three minutes.Soft and tasty puttu is ready to serve.Serve with suitable side dishes.

Bread Puttu(chinese style)

Bread slices-10(crumbled in mixer)
carrot chopped-1/2 cup
onion chopped-1/2 cup
capsicum chopped-1 table spoon
celery chopped-2 teaspoon
spring onion chopped-1 table spoon
ginger chopped-1 teaspoon
garlic chopped-4 cloves
soya sauce-1 teaspoon
pepper powder-1/2 teaspoon
green chilly-1(thin slices)
sunflower oil-1 table spoon
salt to taste
Method of cooking
Pour oil in to a fryingpan.Saute the onion for two minutes.Then add the vegitables and saute for two minutes.Add celery and spring onion and saute for one more minute.Finally add soya sauce,pepper powder and salt.
Steam the put mix layerd with the sauted vegitables for 3 minutes.Serve it with raw or sauted vegitables
We can make chinese dishes without the help of ajino moto.This is a healthy dish,very simple and delicious.Try it.

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